Monday, March 30, 2015

Ben + Dani // Prom 03.27.15

This past Friday night (03.27.15) I was able to photograph a homeschool prom in Indianapolis- which was a huge state wide event- but before heading up there for the evening I shot a few images for my brother-in-law and his girlfriend. They've been together a year now, and this was their second prom to attend. Aren't they just so cute?!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Kirstie // 2015 senior

Technically it's spring, at least according to the calender. Over the past few weeks we Indiana-ians have had a couple of spring-feeling days in the 60's, and even one day in the 70's! Talk about excitement to actually venture out into the world after hibernation! But alas, we were fooled, for then the rains came, along with what now feels like freezing temperatures in comparison to that sweet taste of spring we received. Nevertheless, my camera finally convinced me she had been cooped up for way too long, so we headed out to do a "spring" senior session with my sister Kirstie. My enthusiasm to be shooting again after a very dead winter season was dimmed by how rusty I felt, and I had that sinking feeling of being a failure, that I had no right to call myself "photographer," and all that self-uplifting jazz. 

But then I looked through my images. True, they're not award winners, and the edits may not be perfect because I'm still getting used to using Lightroom (which I just got in the mail THIS week and am still drooling over it!), yet I loved how well this beauty totally rocked her session. She is such a fun-loving person, and even though I got frustrated many times over at myself, she made me laugh and enjoy our time together. I couldn't imagine life without sisters! 

Kirstie Anne // Senior of 2015
Location: Morgantown, Indiana