Monday, January 16, 2017

Katie 2017 Senior // Mooresville, Indiana Senior Photographer

Right before winter and all the holiday festivities hit I took my sister Katie out around the little town of Mooresville, Indiana for a few senior portraits. She has changed so much in the past year, and I'm proud to say that she's became a fine young woman- confident, beautiful, sweet, and kind. I'll probably say this with each and every sibling, but it's really hard to believe she's already going to be graduating high school this year. 

I feel like I hardly ever see the two oldest girls at home because they're busy with their jobs and friends, so I especially love every minute I get to spend with them. Life is so busy for everyone. So when I got to spend an hour+ shooting Katie's senior photos I had so much fun! There will be a second installment coming later on, just fyi.

Katie definitely rocked her senior photos like no other. Of course, I'm biased.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Happy New Year // 2017

Hello friends!

I'm finally back after an extended period of time over the holidays. I can't believe it's already 2017- seems kinda surreal somehow. I have plenty of goals for this year to be sure, but I didn't make any resolutions to speak of. I'm not exactly a make-a-list kind of girl, which isn't a good thing in my opinion. I'm jealous of all you organized people.

I figured I'd make my very first blog post of this year about my little girl- now three years old and more of a handful than ever. I took these pictures during our first major snowfall of last year (December 13th I think?), and Eva was absolutely thrilled with the snow, that is, until she got cold and we had to go in, even though she wanted to stay out longer as you'll see at the bottom of this post. I love my little bundle of energy, but recently life as a parent has been extremely taxing. Perhaps it's just this stage in life, but I've been overwhelmed of late, and it's not been good for my stress levels (ha ha). Thankfully this is a new year, kind of like a new start, as every new day is: fresh, with no mistakes in it...yet, as Anne would say. I'm excited to see what 2017 holds, and what God has in store for us, in every tiny aspect of life. I know Eva won't be little much longer and time will pass us by all too soon, so I'm trying to enjoy her toddler stage as much as I can, even with all the chaos. 

So, Happy New Year friends. I'm ready to get back in the normalcy of life after the craziness of the holidays and end of the year, and I am REALLY excited to see what this year holds for me business wise. In all honestly I feel like things are progressing a lot slower than I'd like, but I know that with perseverance I will overcome whatever obstacles lie in my way. Adieu for now! I will be back with another post soon.