Friday, June 19, 2015

Kirstie: Senior 2015 // Morgan County, Indiana

I'm so proud of this girl. Tonight is her graduation ceremony, so I thought I'd share a few recent pictures. She has grown up so fast, and I'm excited to see what great things God has in store for her in the coming years! Kirstie is such a beautiful young woman in every way, and her sweetness is boundless. She loves anything feminine, mint-green and blue, and all things Paris (a girl after my own heart). She's also very talented in just about everything, from drawing, painting, crocheting, and anything artistic. I am so thankful she is one of my sisters, and I'm excited to celebrate her tonight! 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Grace: portraits 06.11.15 // Franklin, Indiana

I love having lots of sisters for many reasons, but one in particular as part of being a photographer is that I get to take pictures of them basically whenever I want. If I have free or down time from my other photography pursuits, and I have a desire to shoot, I'll just ask one of my sisters. They're always willing to oblige, because really, who doesn't love getting their picture taken?? I'm totally not saying this because I'm biased, but my sisters are superbly gorgeous, and I mean really. It's so hard not to be jealous.

Grace and I are the closest in age, being only 13 months apart, so we grew up getting all the same privileges and doing everything together. Sometimes it made me mad when we were young and she got to do everything I did (c'mon, I was the oldest, so I thought that entitled me to more privileges!), but looking back, I'm glad of it. We had plenty, and I mean plenty of fights and disagreements, but there were other times that we told each other everything and it felt like being best friends. Now today I say without hesitation that Grace is one of my best friends (along with my mom and other sisters). We still tell each other everything, and I love that we're both married now and can relate in so many new ways. The only downside to our lives as sisters is that we live about 45 minutes away, so I don't get to see her as often as I'd like. It's our dream to live right beside each other one day, or even just down the road so we can walk over whenever we want. Wouldn't that be grand. 

Just the other day Grace came over for a visit, and I took the opportunity to do some portraits of her. Talk about lovely. She is just so beautiful. She was always the prettiest of us two, and being so close in age I always thought everyone liked her best because she was prettier and looked older than me. Especially boys, but then I was so shy and awkward, and she was so bubbly and outgoing, so I was at an even bigger disadvantage. It's funny to think back before marriage. Oh the things we worried about and fretted over, when really, it wasn't as awful as we thought. I was always jealous of her prettiness and thin frame (because, believe me when I say I had chubby years from like 11-16), but now those things don't seem quite as important. What matters more to me is constantly deepening my friendships with my sisters. The petty issues of life, though they seem big at certain times, really aren't what matter most. 

I don't know what I'd do without my sisters, and this goes for all of them. Although we still disagree and get miffed at each other, I wouldn't trade them for the world. We have the best of times, and I'm so thankful to call them my best friends!