Thursday, July 30, 2015

Dave + Libby 06.20.15 // Indianapolis, Indiana

On 06.20.15 I had the immense pleasure of second shooting the beautiful wedding of David + Libby in Indianapolis for Jackie Santana Photography. I loved everything about it, from the Indiana State Museum, the ceremony on the canal, the gorgeous flowers, and the uncontainable joy the bride and groom had together. You could just see their love for each other. Libby was rather quiet, sweet, and shy, while in comparison David was super jolly, quick-witted, and a regular jokester (I'll admit I was laughing pretty uproariously throughout the day, what with the fantastic photographer Jackie and David's flair for being funny). Sometimes I wonder how complete opposites attract (I'm reminded of that every day being married to a man completely different than I am), but at the same time, holding similar likes and interests can bring even the most opposite people together. With David and Libby, although their personality types were different, they shared many common passions, and couldn't have been more in love. While second shooting I feel like I don't get to know the couple very well, so you can read their story on Jackie's blog here.

Their first look was the sweetest thing, with Libby crying happy tears and Dave in awe of her grace and beauty. She, the simple yet sincere woman in love, with her eyes shyly and modestly downcast; he, the lucky guy, proudly admiring his woman. She was his world, and he hers. It was their big day, to forever belong together. Their adoration and love was clearer than the brightest sky of stars on an unclouded night, and it was almost time for that final step of becoming Mr. + Mrs. 

Enjoy their story as you see in these photos.

Flowers // JP Parker Flowers