Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Alexandra [2017 senior] 10.21.16 // Brownsburg, Indiana Senior Photographer

Life has been really busy for me this month, hence no blog posts, and for that I apologize. I could've put up a couple of posts in the past few weeks, I just didn't feel like it. It's called laziness. But hey, I'm back now, and I have several posts in the works to share in the coming weeks (we've heard that before, now haven't we?)!

Anyway, two of my sisters still at home started working at their local Chick-fi-la a few months back and have made some good friends since then, including the sweet girl you will see in the photos below. Alex approached me a few weeks ago about getting her senior pictures done, and even though I market myself as a wedding photographer, I find I do love doing seniors. 

I warmed up to Alex and her sweet smile right away, who seems like a very kind and tender-hearted young woman. I found she's a lot braver than I am, with her love of six inch heels. I can barely walk in a three inch heel without stumbling and losing my balance, so I watched in admiration as Alex walked around in her heeled shoes like it was second nature. You go, girl. 

She chose a pretty little park in Brownsburg, and then we went across the road to an alleyway (with a beautiful doorway by the way...I'm a sucker for old doors) for kind of an urban street appeal, which are probably my favorite images of the night. And it was such a beautiful night at that! The cool, crisp breeze made it feel like the perfect Autumn day, and Alex was such a natural who rocked her session like a pro! 

Oh, and as a side note, I love, no, absolutely adore her name. All the heart eyes.