Wednesday, May 3, 2017

2016 New York Trip // personal life

I realized just the other day that I never shared photos of my New York trip last year. I ended up deciding not to take my camera, opting for my phone camera to suffice since it was just a leisure trip (although next time will be different I tell ya because I really regretted not bringing it). And because I've been dreaming of upcoming travel in the near future I figured I'd go ahead and share this post.

So many things have changed over the years, and one is my perspective on seeing the world. Yes, I've always desired to travel, but I've also always thought I never could, for whatever reason: money, having a kid, etc. But you know, situations are what we make of them, and I've determined more than ever not to let my fears of the future conquer me. If we did more of what we love, what brings us joy, and pursued our dreams, imagine what we could do! I came across this quote the other day, and thought how true it is. I've been caught up in material things before, to be sure, but as time goes on I realize how much more I'd rather have experiences than things to boast about. 

"I would rather own a little and see the world than own the world and see a little." -Alexander Sattler 

See you again one day, New York.


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